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Frequently asked questions about orders with RSPB Shop.
If your order in your account states 'InProgress' then your item(s) will be dispatched to you as soon as they are available.
You can:
If you see 'Failed' against an order it meanswe were unable to take the payment card information needed to process the order and therefore cannot progress it any further. Usually this is because there was an issue at the payment step, or the order was interrupted at that step. You will not be charged for an order with status of 'Failed'. You'll need to place the order again which you can do online or call our Customer service team who can place the order by phone for you.
If you see this status and it has been over 30 minutes since you placed your order, please contact RSPB Shop customer services who will be able to help. There may have been a technical issue with your order so they can contact somebody to help fix this in most cases.
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