

Bats are extremely important to nature in the UK, and worldwide. These special flying mammals work hard catching insects and pollinating plants. Their numbers are declining though - help us help them by putting up bat boxes and providing a rich environment for them to thrive in. RSPB shop stocks specially-designed and tested bat boxes (bat homes / nestboxes), special seed packs and other accessories to help. You can use bat detectors to help you find and identify the species nearby. Other ways to help bats in gardens include growing native trees and shrubs, and creating a wildlife pond.

Facts about bats!

18 bat species in the UK

There are actually 18 different species of bat in the UK! All but one breed here in the UK too.

Over 500 species of plants rely on bats to pollinate them so that they can reproduce. Remember this next time you tuck into a banana or a mango!


The most common bat you're likely to see here in the UK is the Common pipistrelle. They weigh just 5 grams - about the same as a 20 pence piece - and can eat 3,000 gnats in ONE night!

You can learn more about bats on the RSPB main website, and at the Bat Conservation Trust.


9 list items
RSPB Night-time wildflower mix seed pack product photo
Promo Label
RSPB Night-time wildflower mix seed pack
Conservation bat box product photo
Conservation bat box
A guide to British bats fold-out chart product photo
A guide to British bats fold-out chart
RSPB single chamber bat box product photo
RSPB single chamber bat box
RSPB Burford bat box product photo
RSPB Burford bat box
Magenta Bat 5 digital bat detector product photo
Magenta Bat 5 digital bat detector
Magenta Bat 4 bat detector product photo
Magenta Bat 4 bat detector
Burford twin chamber bat box and night-time mix seed pack product photo
Burford twin chamber bat box and night-time mix seed pack
RSPB Spotlight Bats product photo
RSPB Spotlight Bats